Scottish Parliament Building Exterior
Scottish Parliament Building interior

Scottish Parliament Building

A visit to this building is an absolute must for anyone interested in Scottish politics. The home of the Scottish Parliament Building is Holyrood Park, which you can find in central Edinburgh.

The building began construction in 1999 and was officially opened by Queen Elizabeth II in 2004. The building’s architect was Eric Minralles, and the building itself is truly breath-taking!

The building’s design has its surroundings and Scottish culture in mind. One of the key features of the building’s visual is its trigger panels which mirror Henry Raeburn’s painting, ‘The Skating Minister’.

As well as its unique design, the Scottish Parliament Building is sustainable throughout. An example of this is that natural ventilation is available wherever possible, conserving energy.

You can soak up the building’s stunning exteriors and interiors during a guided tour. These are available every weekday and are free to the public.

Not only do these tours showcase the architecture but you’ll receive an insight into Scottish democracy. If you’re after an in-depth look into the local politics, you can book to sit in on Parliamentary business.

Afterward, visit the Parliament Shop, where you will come across Scottish Parliament tartan. Alternatively, check out The Parliament Café and try homemade shortbread and pastries!

Experience Scottish democracy first hand by touring this eye-catching building…

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