woman scaling indoor climbing wall
Indoor Climbing Wall

Beacon Climbing Centre

Try your hand at crazy climbing, the wackiest climbing experience there is! With 15 different challenges, including a speed climb where you can beat the clock, this climbing area is suitable for children over five of all abilities – and adults of course!

Wanting to take climbing a little more seriously? Book a bouldering induction, offered weekly, these inductions will show you how to get started with low-level climbing and are a great gateway into more advanced climbing.

If you’re looking to improve your climbing game, why not book a pilates for climbing session? Pilates improves balance and strength and reduces the risk of injury – essential for climbing.

After an active session, head to the Beacon café where you can dig into soups, salads, pastries, sandwiches and cakes.

Scale the day away at the Beacon Climbing Centre…

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