Caer Drewyn Hillfort
Caer Drewyn Hillfort, Corwen
  • Address Corwen
    North Wales
    United Kingdom
    LL21 9HU

Caer Drewyn Hillfort

Set on the slope of a hill, overlooking the town of Corwen and the River Dee, is Caer Drewyn. This unique Iron Age hillfort was constructed with stone rather than earthen banks and ditches.

Caer Drewyn is thought to have been the place Owain Gwynedd, the self-proclaimed King of Wales, gathered his forces ready for the approach of Henry II of England. The hillfort was also the gathering place for Owain Glyndwyr’s army during his revolt against the English crown two centuries later.

You can reach Caer Drewyn on foot by parking at the nearby leisure centre on the B5437. From here you can head west on the road for around 50 yards until you reach a small lane. Follow the lane until the end and climb over a stile, here you will find information and a signpost. The walk takes around 20 minutes in total and includes some steep inclines, but you’ll be rewarded once you reach this fascinating site and the stunning views that surround it.

Enjoy an outing packed with history at Caer Drewyn Hillfort…

Image Credits: Llywelyn2000CC BY-SA 4.0

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