Pontio Arts and Innovation Centre

Pontio Arts and Innovation Centre

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Pontio Arts and Innovation Centre

Pontio Arts and Innovation Centre

This new arts and innovation centre hosts a wide range of events for all to enjoy. With a mid-scale theatre, studio theatre, digital cinema and more, there’s plenty to explore here.

Live events at Pontio include yoga classes, a comedy club, plays and musical performances. The cinema shows a mixture of popular new releases, National Theatre and Royal Opera House Live showings and independent films.

Pontio also has an incredible public art space displaying permanent pieces from both Welsh and international artists.

There is also a white wall area where large-scale video, photography and animation projection is displayed to provoke, inspire, and entertain.

Pre-performance or interval drinks are taken care of by the ground floor Ffynnnon Bar, where quality beers and wines are served alongside signature cocktails. For laidback dining, head to Cegin on the second floor where you’ll find pizzas, waffles, and bagels.

Pontio is a superb place to visit…

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