Woman Riding Horse at Country Farm

Witherslack Hall Equestrian Centre

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Woman Riding Horse at Country Farm

Witherslack Hall Equestrian Centre

Witherslack Hall Equestrian Centre offers a range of activities for all ages and abilities on its 2,500-acre woodland estate.

At Witherslack you can book riding lessons for children aged three and over and for adults. Whether you’re new to riding, improving or returning to riding after a break, there is a class for you.

There are private, semi-private and group sessions on offer within the 25 x 45 outdoor arena. Beginners and advanced riders can also explore the Lake District by horse.

From 30-minute pony rides through Witherslack Estate Woods or a four-day Lakeland adventure, there is an option to suit everyone.

Witherslack Hall Equestrian Centre is a fun activity for all…

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