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How to get to Bamburgh

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Travel to Bamburgh by road

When travelling to Bamburgh by car, take the A1 Northbound until you reach Adderstone Services. Turn off there and follow the B1341 for five miles until you reach Bamburgh.

Alternatively, take the B1342 if you are travelling Southbound on the A1. For a more leisurely driving experience, take the B1340 coastal road.

You can use AA Route Planner to shape your journey.

Check here for more information, bamburgh.org.uk/visiting-bamburgh/getting-here.

Travelling to Bamburgh by train

You can use Chathill Station, but it is only served by one morning and one evening train each day.

Alternatively, visitors can use Alnmouth or Berwick stations and travel on by bus from there.

More information is available at nationalrail.co.uk.

Travelling to Bamburgh by bus

Although rail services to the area are limited, there is an extensive bus service to get around Northumberland. The Arriva X18 runs from Berwick to Bamburgh, while those travelling from Alnmouth can catch the X20 into the town, and change to the X18 or X15 southbound to Bamburgh.

More info is available here, bamburgh.org.uk/visiting-bamburgh/getting-here.

Travelling to Bamburgh by plane

The nearest airport to Bamburgh is Newcastle Airport. More info at newcastleairport.com.

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