exeter directions

How to get to Bridport

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Travel to Bridport by road

When travelling to Bridport from the North of England by car, you should take the M6, followed by the M5 to Exeter, turning onto the A358 as you hit Taunton. This will take you right through to Bridport, on the Dorset coast.

For a more precise plan for your journey, we recommend that you use AA Route Planner

For further information and/or to check any possible delays visit: Travel Dorset

Travel to Bridport by train

The journey to Bridport by train takes you through some beautiful countryside, wherever you come from, but certain areas are less well served by direct train routes and may require several changes. The nearest train station is Dorchester South, which is some 15 miles away from Bridport itself.

To check train prices and times, or for more information, visit: South Western Railway

Travel to Bridport by by plane

The nearest commercial airport to Bridport is Exeter Airport, which is about 35 miles away, in a fairly straight run along the A30 and the A35. With dozens of internal flights daily from most major cities in the country, travelling to Bridport by plane can something be quicker, and cheaper, than attempting the same journey by car, or by train.

To check the prices and times of flights to Exeter, and for more information, visit: Exeter Airport

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