exeter directions

How to get to Morpeth

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Travel to Morpeth by road

If you’re thinking about trabvelling to Morpeth by road, it is within easy reach of the A1 and A697.

Take the A1(M) from the South, where you can drive through Newcastle-upon-Tyne towards Morpeth.

Wherever you are driving from, we recommend using AA Route Planner to plan your journey to Morpeth.

Make sure to check for travel updates and any possible delays before travelling, traffic-update.co.uk/traffic/morpeth.

Travel to Morpeth by train

While the train can take longer, travellers can relax and enjoy views of the Northumberland countryside. Morpeth has its own train station, with trains running from Newcastle-upon-Tyne every 30 minutes.

For more information and/or to check train times and prices, visit northernrailway.co.uk or nationalrail.co.uk.

Travel to Morpeth by plane

Newcastle International Airport is a 25-minute drive away if you’re thinking of travelling to Morpeth by plane. You can reach Newcastle Airport from several UK airports including Aberdeen, London, Newquay and Southampton.

For more information and/or to check flight times and prices, visit newcastleairport.com.

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