
How to get to Poole

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Travel to Poole by road

If you’re travelling to Poole by car via London then take the M3 to Southampton and then the A31 through the beautiful New Forest and finally the A3049 to Poole.

To plan your journey we recommend using AA Route Planner

For more information and/or to check for possible delays use Travel Dorset

Travel to Poole by train

Travelling by train is a fast and easy way to reach Poole, with trains from London Waterloo taking just two hours. Those arriving at Poole from elsewhere, perhaps Kent or Surrey in the South coast or from Wales, may find driving it quicker, however, as there are no direct rail routes.

For more information and/or to check train times and prices visit: /

Travel to Poole by plane or ferry

You are able to fly to Poole via any international UK airport. The nearest major international airport is Heathrow, from which Poole can be reached by car in just over two hours. Bristol Airport is also just two hours drive away. Those travelling to Poole from within the UK will nearly always find driving or rail quicker and more convenient than air travel. Those arriving from the continent or the Channel Islands will find that a ferry to Poole or nearby Portsmouth is the fastest and most enjoyable route.

For more information on taking the ferry to Poole visit: Brittany Ferries

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